Tank Farm Liners

Facilities such as airports to clusters of tanks used to store heating oil or product ingredients in relatively small facilities.  They all need to contain any material that is spilled or leaked before it gets into the groundwater supply.  A Geomembrane liner is frequently used to control spills and leaks.  The liner should be made from material that will resist damage caused by tank contents and the elements, or any tears and punctures that could occur and thereby allowing the contents to escape.

Featured Installation: Calgren Renewable Fuel in Pixley, California

Calgren Renewable Fuels located in Pixley, California projected to generate 55 million gallons of fuel grade ethanol, 400,000 tons of animal feed, and 1.5 million gallons of corn oil each year. The plant is powered by an ultra-low NOx gas turbine generator capable of producing 5,800 KW of electricity and process steam. The Pixley plant maintains a carbon footprint much lower than typical plants, and production of ethanol per bushel of corn is high, requiring lower corn usage and less energy to process the corn. All of the products from the plant – ethanol, corn oil, and cattle feed – are distributed locally in the San Joaquin Valley.  MPC Containment designed, fabricated, and installed a high grade, fuel resistant 36mil Geomembrane liner that was 68,000sq/ft.